Sikandar’s crypter is the longest running crypter sold on HF and is one of the best programs ever sold. The crypter has two parts, one which enables you to crypt a file having no dependancies(C++ stub) and the other giving you an option to crypt your files using a managed(.Net) stub. So, the dependancy of the output file is based on your choice whether to choose a native compilation or managed compilation. There is a mini crypter which comes free with this amazing product.
You can find the outline of features here. You can read the whole list later below.
[♦] 7 encryption methods.
[♦] ‘Native’ and ‘Managed’ compilation.
[♦] Unique stub generator. (Built-in)
[♦] File binder. (Any extension)
[♦] 20 Antis.
[♦] 7 process killers.
[♦] Portable executable nuke. (Obfuscation methods)
[♦] 13 website blockers.
[♦] Add to start-up.
[♦] Start-up persistence.
[♦] Execution persistence.
[♦] Mutex generation.
[♦] Output code generator.
[♦] Assembly information generator.
[♦] File cloner.
[♦] Message box.
[♦] Cure infection.
[♦] Scan4you scanner. (Built-in)
[♦] Downloader
[♦] Webpage loader.
[♦] Spreaders. (Omegle, WinRAR and LAN)
[♦] Custom data storage. (Resource string or Resource Library)
[♦] Save/Load settings automatically.
Also notice that the options will be based on the type of compilation you choose.
Let us go in detail about all the features.
General features
* Seven encryption algorithms
=> RC4
=> Bitwise XOR
=> AES
=> TripleDES
=> Stairs
=> Polystairs
=> Poly RC4
* Process injection
=> Inject into vbc
=> Inject into any other process
=> Protect process
* Unique stub generator
=> Choose stubs in two modes (Native and Managed)
=> Generate 98% different outputs on each crypt.
* Data storage
=> Resource string
=> Resource Library
* Automatic settings
=> Save settings during exit
=> Load settings at launch
* Execution features
=> Sublimation
=> Add to start=>up
=> Start=>up persistence
=> Protect process
=> Preserve end of file
=> Mutate on start=>up
=> Execution persistence
* Website blockers
=> Virustotal
=> Novirusthanks
=> Jotti
=> Kaspersky
=> Bitdefender
=> Fsecure
=> AVG
=> Avast
=> Avira
=> Malwarebytes
=> Trend=>micro
=> Symantec
* Antis
=> Anubis
=> McAfee
=> VirtualBox
=> VMware
=> Virtual PC
=> Wireshark
=> Panda
=> Sys Analyser
=> Sandboxie
=> Sunbalt
=> Comodo
=> T Expert
=> OllyDbg
=> Outpost
=> Wine
=> Norman
=> Mbam
=> HJT
=> Keyscr
=> Joebox
* Killers
=> Task manager
=> CMD
=> Regedit
=> Notepad
=> Firefox
=> Chrome
=> Internet Explorer
* Algorithms
=> Obfuscate types
=> Obfuscate methods
=> Obfuscate namespace
=> Obfuscate properties
=> Obfuscate fields
=> String encryption
=> String encoding
=> Randomize variables
=> Add heavy junk modules
=> Add random API’s
=> Add random Subs/Functions
=> Add Loops/Goto’s
=> Add random modules
* Assembly information
=> Custom assembly
=> Generate legitimate assembly
=> Clone output with another file
=> Icon changer
* Message box
=> Ok
=> Ok, Cancel
=> Retry, Cancel
=> Yes, No
=> Yes, No, Cancel
=> Abort, Retry, Ignore
=> .Net framework error
* Binder options
* Binded file start
=> First time only
=> Add to every start=>up
* Binder execution
=> Run from HardDisk
=> Run directly to RAM
* Miscellaneous
=> Cure your infection
=> Scan4you multi=>engine antivirus scanner.
=> Download & Execute
=> Website loader
=> Built=>in bug reporting system
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