Sikandar's Crypter

Sikandar’s crypter is the longest running crypter sold on HF and is one of the best programs ever sold. The crypter has two parts, one which enables you to crypt a file having no dependancies(C++ stub) and the other giving you an option to crypt your files using a managed(.Net) stub. So, the dependancy of the output file is based on your choice whether to choose a native compilation or managed compilation. There is a mini crypter which comes free with this amazing product.


You can find the outline of features here. You can read the whole list later below.
[♦] 7 encryption methods.
[♦] ‘Native’ and ‘Managed’ compilation.
[♦] Unique stub generator. (Built-in)
[♦] File binder. (Any extension)
[♦] 20 Antis.
[♦] 7 process killers.
[♦] Portable executable nuke. (Obfuscation methods)
[♦] 13 website blockers.
[♦] Add to start-up.
[♦] Start-up persistence.
[♦] Execution persistence.
[♦] Mutex generation.
[♦] Output code generator.
[♦] Assembly information generator.
[♦] File cloner.
[♦] Message box.
[♦] Cure infection.
[♦] Scan4you scanner. (Built-in)
[♦] Downloader
[♦] Webpage loader.
[♦] Spreaders. (Omegle, WinRAR and LAN)
[♦] Custom data storage. (Resource string or Resource Library)
[♦] Save/Load settings automatically.

Also notice that the options will be based on the type of compilation you choose.
Let us go in detail about all the features.

General features

* Seven encryption algorithms
=> RC4
=> Bitwise XOR
=> AES
=> TripleDES
=> Stairs
=> Polystairs
=> Poly RC4

* Process injection
=> Inject into vbc
=> Inject into any other process
=> Protect process

* Unique stub generator
=> Choose stubs in two modes (Native and Managed)
=> Generate 98% different outputs on each crypt.

* Data storage
=> Resource string
=> Resource Library

* Automatic settings
=> Save settings during exit
=> Load settings at launch

Execution features
=> Sublimation
=> Add to start=>up
=> Start=>up persistence
=> Protect process
=> Preserve end of file
=> Mutate on start=>up
=> Execution persistence

Website blockers
=> Virustotal
=> Novirusthanks
=> Jotti
=> Kaspersky
=> Bitdefender
=> Fsecure
=> AVG
=> Avast
=> Avira
=> Malwarebytes
=> Trend=>micro
=> Symantec

=> Anubis
=> McAfee
=> VirtualBox
=> VMware
=> Virtual PC
=> Wireshark
=> Panda
=> Sys Analyser
=> Sandboxie
=> Sunbalt
=> Comodo
=> T Expert
=> OllyDbg
=> Outpost
=> Wine
=> Norman
=> Mbam
=> HJT
=> Keyscr
=> Joebox

=> Task manager
=> CMD
=> Regedit
=> Notepad
=> Firefox
=> Chrome
=> Internet Explorer

=> Obfuscate types
=> Obfuscate methods
=> Obfuscate namespace
=> Obfuscate properties
=> Obfuscate fields
=> String encryption
=> String encoding
=> Randomize variables
=> Add heavy junk modules
=> Add random API’s
=> Add random Subs/Functions
=> Add Loops/Goto’s
=> Add random modules

Assembly information
=> Custom assembly
=> Generate legitimate assembly
=> Clone output with another file
=> Icon changer

Message box
=> Ok
=> Ok, Cancel
=> Retry, Cancel
=> Yes, No
=> Yes, No, Cancel
=> Abort, Retry, Ignore
=> .Net framework error

Binder options
* Binded file start
=> First time only
=> Add to every start=>up
* Binder execution
=> Run from HardDisk
=> Run directly to RAM

=> Cure your infection
=> Scan4you multi=>engine antivirus scanner.
=> Download & Execute
=> Website loader
=> Built=>in bug reporting system

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